Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
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Hartoonian, Gevork
Open Histories of Time
Acker, Wouter Van
Opening the Shrine of the Mundaneum: The Positivist Spirit in the Architecture of Le Corbusier and his Belgian “Idolators”
Aitchison, Mathew
Ugliness and Outrage: The Australian Townscape
Alic, Dijana
Shifting Grounds: Identity Politics and Sydney’s Ethnic Clubs
Barrie, Andrew
Architecture to a Fault? Deconstructivist Architecture in New Zealand
Beynon, David
Datta, Sambit
Datta, Sambit
The Construction Geometry of Early Javanese Temples
Biraghi, Marco
Contemporary Italian Architecture: The Principle of Responsibility
Bobic, Nikolina
Balkan(ising) Myths: Historical (Re)Formations of the New Belgrade
Bosman, Caryl
Changing Residential Landscapes: From Holiday Shacks to Retirement Resorts
Brennan, AnnMarie
Strategies of a Counter-Culture: Oz Magazine and the Techniques of the Joke
Brott, Simone
In the Shadow of the Enlightenment: Le Corbusier, Le Faisceau and Georges Valois
Chau, Hing-wah
Social Critiques and Responses of Selected Contemporary Chinese Architects, 1990s-2000s
Clarke, Amy
Constructing Architectural History at the Open-Air Museum:The Highland Village Museum of Nova Scotia and the Highland Folk Museum of Scotland
Couper, Rachel
Placing the Origins of the Zoo: An Architectural Analysis of the Metamorphosis of the Menagerie into the Zoological Garden
Ferng, Jennifer
Under Siege: Piracy, Borders, and Military Architecture
Gatley, Julia
Counterculture Themes in the Growth and Development of Athfield Architects
Gharipour, Mohammed
Caffey, Stephen
Caffey, Stephen
Christians and Jews in the Muslim World: The Dilemma of Religious Space
Goad, Philip
Open Field, Open Street, Open Choice: John Andrews and the South Residences, University of Guelph (1965-68)
Göloglu, Sabiha
Analyzing the Mimarlık Journal: Post-Modern Theory and Practice in Turkey
Gosseye, Janina
Heynen, Hilde
Heynen, Hilde
In Search of the Ugliest Country in the World Australia vs. Belgium On Robin Boyd, Renaat Braem, Regionalism and Post-war Modernism
Harris, Jessica
Tradition, Identity and Adaptation: Mosque Architecture in South-East Queensland
Hill, Glen
Discipline Dodgers: Freedom and Control in the Intentional Communities of Australia’s Counterculture
Hislop, Kate
Open to Interpretation: A Study of the Urban Implications of Nineteenth-Century Topographic Drawings of the Swan River Colony
Hogben, Paul
O’Callaghan, Judith
O’Callaghan, Judith
Leisure Capital: Sydney and the Post-war Leisure Boom
Holden, Gordon
What, if anything, can be made of the Gold Coast Urban Design Awards?
Holden, Susan
Bird, Jared
Bird, Jared
An Open Plan: The Development of the Griffith University Nathan Campus Plan, 1966-1973
Johnston, Andrew
Ethnicity Underground: Race, Work and Landscape in the California Quicksilver Industry, 1845-80
Juckes, Emily
Greenop, Kelly
Jarzab, Zbigniew
Greenop, Kelly
Jarzab, Zbigniew
Isolation and Segregation: An Intercultural Analysis of the Peel Island Lazaret
Kohane, Peter
Structure and its Representation as Ornament: An Introduction to James Fergusson’s 1855 Drawing of Façades
Lozanovska, Mirjana
Thought and Feeling in Giedion’s Mechanization Takes Command
Margalit, Harry
Rugby Leagues’ Club Buildings in the 1960s: The Working-class Palace
McCarthy, Christine
Towards an Architectural History of Homelessness
Memmott, Paul
Integrating Transactional People-Environment Studies into Architectural Anthropology: A Case for Useful Theory Building
Micheli, Silvia
Architecture in a Foreign Language: How Italy has Recognized Foreign Architecture in the Last Twenty Years
Milbank, Anne
Lepea: That Model Village in Samoa
Moore, Cameron
The Design Philosophy of Gummer and Ford
Morrison, Tessa
The Architecture of Andreae’s Christianopolis and Campanella’s City of the Sun
Moulis, Antony
Searching for Open Form: The Pinwheel Plan in the Work of John Andrews
Musgrave, Elizabeth
What’s “out” . . . what’s “in” Revolution versus Evolution: John Dalton Architect as Pamphleteer
Nichols, Julie
Mapping Identity: The Rules & Models of Putrajaya
O’Rourke, Tim
Aboriginal Camps and “Villages” in Southeast Queensland
Orr, Kirsten
News of the Day: Open Schoolhouses Building the Future of New South Wales, 1880-96
Oztürk, Fatma Gül
Negotiating between the Independent and Groups of Courtyard Complexes in Cappadocia
Perin, Gavin
Consumptive Affect
Pieris, Anoma
Diasporic Habitations: Locating “Asian Architecture”
Preston, Jennifer
Opening the Archive: The New South Wales Forensic Photography Archive as Evidence of Architectural History
Rickard, Katherine
Run to Paradise: The Chevron Hotel, Gold Coast, from Foundation to Renaissance
Ristic, Mirjana
Silent vs. Rhetorical Memorials: Sarajevo Roses and Commemorative Plaques
Rodrigo, Russell
Forgotten Modern: Repositioning the Branded Interior in Twentieth-Century Architectural Historiography
Ryan, Daniel
The Hygienic Holiday: The Country Women’s Association and the Reform of the Queensland House
Sane, Prajakta
Dudhsagar Dairy at Mehsana, India (1970-73): Achyut Kanvinde and the Architecture of White Revolution
Schnoor, Christoph
Kromrei, Claudia
Kromrei, Claudia
Immeuble-villas between Le Corbusier and Albert Gessner
Scriver, Peter
Andrews at Expo: Placing Africa in an Architecture of the Late Twentieth Century
Sealy, Peter
The Roofscape as Locus of Modernity in Giedion and Zola
Seligmann, Ari
Artpolis Legacies: Proliferation of Public Architecture Programs for Urban Regeneration in Turn of the Century Japan
Seng, Eunice
The Podium, the Tower and the “People”: The Private Development of a Public Complex, c.1965-1970
Sewell, Jessica Ellen
Opening the Boundaries of Architectural History: Popular Culture, Imaginary Buildings, and the Influence of the Bachelor Pad
Sigge, Erik
Challenged Practice: Transformations of Swedish Governmental Building around 1970
Smith, Benjamin J
SCI-Arc’s Origins: Exodus from Cal Poly and the Formation of an Alternative Pedagogy
Smith, Cathy
Living Histories: Engaging Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti Project through the Notion of “History/Becoming”
Srivastava, Amit
Hijjas Kasturi and Harry Seidler in Malaysia: Australian-Asian Exchange and the Genesis of a “Canonical Work”
Stead, Naomi
Wake, Neph
Wake, Neph
Carrots and Sticks: Comparing Institutional Policy Frameworks for Equity and Diversity in the Architecture Profession
Steen, Andrew P.
Jencks’s Semiological History: “Pop – Non Pop”
Stevens, Quentin
The Future is Open to the Past: Public Memorials in Evolving Urban Landscapes
Stickells, Lee
“And Everywhere Those Strange Polygonal Igloos”: Framing a History of Australian Countercultural Architecture
Talei, Charmaine ‘Ilaiu
The Economy of Constructing and Maintaining Contemporary Domestic Fale in Tonga
Tyler, Linda
McDonald, Mullions and Smith Architects: An Open Architecture for Auckland in the 1920s
Volz, Kirsty
Women on the Heritage Register: The Case of Nellie McCredie and Uanda House
Vujosevic, Tijana
Living Efficiently The Aesthetic of the Russian One-Room Habitat in the 1920s
Walker, Paul
Reassessing John Andrews’ Architecture: Harvard Connections
Westbrook, Nigel
An Exchange Between East and West: Emulations and Borrowings in Roman, Byzantine, Sasanian and Arabic Palaces, from the Third to Tenth Centuries
Willis, Julie
The Architectural Association and the Architectural Atelier
Wilson, Andrew
Colour-Theory and the Houses of Hayes & Scott