Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
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Achmadi, AmandA
The Architecture of Cultuurstelsel in Nineteenth-century Dutch East Indies: Built Traces of Colonial Agricultural Industry
Alić, Dijana
Cultural Coexistence Of The City: A Precious But Resilient Commodity
Bartsch, K.
Scriver, P.
Rashid, M.M.
Scriver, P.
Rashid, M.M.
Does not the glorious East seem to be transported to our shores? Perth’s Golden Mosque (1905)
Bartsch, Katharine
Scriver, Peter
Rashid, Md. Mizanur
Scriver, Peter
Rashid, Md. Mizanur
Does not the glorious East seem to be transported to our shores? Perth’s Golden Mosque (1905)
Bawden, Gene
Lines of Gold: W. H. Rocke & Co. and the art of colonial retail persuasion
Beynon, David
Big Gold Mountain Redux
Bischeri, Cecilia
Micheli, Silvia
Micheli, Silvia
Queensland, Golden Chips and the Temptation of the Asia-Pacific Model
Bremner, G.A.
Black Gold: Opium and the Architecture of Imperial Trade in Nineteenth-Century Asia
Brennan, AnnMarie
Miller, Claire
Miller, Claire
Pillaging the Past, Projecting the Future: Architectural History and Urban Culture in 21st Century Warfare
Brennan, AnnMarie
Perspecta 9/10 and the Emergence of a Postmodern American Architecture
Brott, S.
What is Iconic Architecture?”
Brott, Simone
What is Iconic Architecture?
Burns, Karen
Women, Architecture, Activism: Building Community Institutions in the Late Modern City
Chau, Hing-wah
Migrancy and Architecture: The Num Pon Soon Society Building in Melbourne Chinatown, the See Yup Temple in South Melbourne and the Kaiping Diaolou in China as Case Studies
Chee, Lilian
After the Last Train: Narrating the Tentative Monument through Simryn Gill’s Tanjong Pagar Railway Station
Clarke, Amy
Faking Authenticity with Fool’s Gold Architecture
Colombo, Luciana Fornari
Reconsidering Mies van der Rohe’s Concept of True Architecture Through Its Philosophical Foundations
d’Arcy, Sing
Gold in Spanish and Spanish-American Ecclesiastical Interiors of the Early Modern
de la Vega de León, Macarena
Hartonian, Gevork
Hartonian, Gevork
Unearthed Golden Nugget: Australia in Modern Architecture since 1900
Dean, Penelope
You Are Gold
Farrah, Sally
Shifting the Stones of Little Magazines: The Translation and Transformation of Otto Wagner’s Moderne Architektur
Favaro, Paola
White Gold: The European’s Dream of Thredbo
Freeman, Cristina Garduño
Leibowitz, Vicki
Leibowitz, Vicki
In Search of the Philosopher’s Stone: Alchemy, ARM and the Sydney Opera House
Gatley, J.
Hochstein, G.
Hochstein, G.
A Golden Pedigree: Finding Mies in New Zealand Modernism through the Work of Edward Erickson
Goad, Philip
‘Cast into the enveloping darkness’: Robin Boyd and lustre before Japan
Gosseye, Janina
Vernon, Peter
Vernon, Peter
Shopping Towns Australia, 1957-67: From Reformist Figure of Collectivity to Profit-Driven Box of Gold
Gusheh, Maryam
Golden City at Persepolis: As Found
Harper, Laura
Gold Rush Urbanism: Continuing effects of gold mining on the urban form of Victorian towns
Hartoonian, Gevork
Architecture & Capitalism: A Golden Gridlock
Hill, Michael
Sunlight in San Carlo
Hislop, Kate
Gold and Golden: The colour of contradiction in Australian architecture
Hochstein, Gina
Gatley, Julia
Gatley, Julia
A Golden Pedigree: Finding Mies in New Zealand Modernism through the Work of Edward Erickson
Hogben, Paul
Explaining the Equitable’s Australian Buildings
Hoult, Amelia
Wood, Peter
Wood, Peter
Golden Bay to Golden Age: Cooperative Architecture in New Zealand of the 1940s
Jasper, Michael
Gold in Three Projects by Peter Eisenmann
Kiely, Joss
Gold, and the Image of Financial Prosperity in the Late Modern Architecture of Minoru Yamasaki, 1955-81
Kimmel, Laurence
Gold and Kitsch: Uses of Gold and Kitsch in Rem Koolhaas’ Prada Foundation in Milan, Leading to Another Vision on Peter Zumthor’s Architecture
King, Stuart
Willis, Julie
Willis, Julie
Mining Boom Styles
Kletnieks, Nicholas
Shanghai’s Laneway Housing: Its Design, Occupation and Demolition
Kohane, Peter
Louis Kahn’s First Unitarian Church: light and the making of a monumental room
Lassen, Catherine
Mindful Material: Buhrich’s Architectural Alchemy
Leach, Andrew
Wilson, Andrew
Wilson, Andrew
Gold on the Sand, Gold on the Door
Lewi, Hannah
Look Away Prince Charles: Goldfinger is Classic
Lovell, Jonathan
Apocalypse and Psychedelia: Environment, Sense and the Uncovering of the Unconscious within Architectural Discourse
Marfella, Giorgio
From Heat Absorption to Speculation: The Troubled Evolution of International All-Glass Architecture in Melbourne (1955-1985)
Martokusumo, Widjaja
The Rise and Fall of a Former Mining Town Sawahlunto: Reflections on Authenticity and Architectural Conservation
Matthewson, Gill
Gold Standard or fool’s gold?
McCarthy, Christine
Rooms and Views: the architectural wealth and poverty of windows
McCormack, Craig William
Westbrook, Nigel
Westbrook, Nigel
After the Gold Rush, or another Spaceship Earth
McDonald, Christopher
Arches and Industries: Modelling Natural Resources and National Enterprise During the 1901 Royal Visit to Wellington
McKay, Bill
Looking Across Time: Reflections on Reverse Chronology in the Writing of Architectural History
McLaughlan, Rebecca
Caudwell, Catherine
Caudwell, Catherine
Discursive Decay: Informalised Architectural History
Metcalf, Andrew
Suomen Kulta: Alvar Aalto, the Kymijoki industrial projects
Miller-Yeaman, Renee
Transitory Homes: Refugee Resettlement and Detainment in Sydney’s Western Suburbs
Morrissey, Robert
Visions of Golden Cities in Medieval Japan: Heian-kyō as the Pure Land of Amida
Murray, Andrew
A ‘Not Quite Gold’ Medal Winner: Gus Ferguson and the University of Western Australia Law School Building
Musgrave, Elizabeth
A Golden Anniversary: 50 years of the split skillion roof in Queensland
O’Callaghan, Judith
Trophy House: The Story of Barncleuth (later Kinneil)
Paine, Ashley
The Rhetoric of Authentic Surfaces: Gold Leaf in the Recent Work of OMA and Mario Botta
Pieris, Anoma
Sociospatial Genealogies of Wartime Impoverishment: Temporary Farm Labour Camps in the U.S.A.
Reeves, Simon
Gold-Plated Doors If You Want Them: Holgar & Holgar and the Architecture of Opulence
Robertson, Hannah
All that glitters is not gold: the effect of mining activities and royalties on the built environment of remote North East Arnhem Land
Rousset, Isabel
Housing Speculation and Nouveau Riche Taste in Late-Nineteenth-Century Berlin
Saniga, Andrew
Cold War Manifestations in Australia: Interpreting Ruins in Remote Landscapes
Savio, Gemma
The Golden Chrysalis: A Study of Gold in the Architecture of Carlo Scarpa Informed by the Theory of Karl Marx
Schnoor, Christoph
Wilson, Scott
Wilson, Scott
Goldfinger Revisited: James Bond set designs by Ken Adam as modernist spaces of power
Seligmann, Ari
Ostentatious Dichotomies in Representations of Japanese Architecture
Song, Ke
A Forgotten Golden Era: Modernism in Late-Mao China, 1969-76
Steen, Andrew P.
Gold’s Heaviness and Malleability
Sully, Nicole
Greetings from the Planet of Earth: Accounts of Architecture for an Interstellar Audience on the Voyager Golden Record
Taylor, William M.
Digging and Pilfering: Spatio-Juridical and Moral Economies of Gold Stealing in Western Australia (c.1906)
Ting, John
Who built Fort Alice? An Analysis of Subaltern Involvement in Nineteenth Century Institutional Architecture in Sarawak
Walker, Paul
John Andrews’ RAIA Gold Medal: Green and Gold + Grey and White
Wardleworth, Dennis
The RIBA Gold Medal of 1923 and London Architecture Medal of 1934: John Burnet and Thomas Tait, Early British Modernism, and the Pylons of Sydney Harbour Bridge
Westbrook, Nigel
lux sacra palatia conplet, lux urbis et orbis
Wood, Peter
The Architect and His Services: A Discussion on the Cover of the New Zealand Institute of Architects Promotional Pamphlet of 1933
Wu, Ming
Constructing a New Symbolic Form in the Context of Global Neo-Liberalization: A Study of Architectural Spectacles in Twenty-First Century China