Quotation, Quotation: What Does History Have in Store for Architecture Today?
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
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Alexander, Jacqui
Morgan, Thomas
Morgan, Thomas
Quoting the Familiar: Critical Image Making in the Age of Digital Reproduction
Amirjani, Rahmatollah
An Analogical Quotation
Beynon, David
Woodcock, Ian
Woodcock, Ian
Interpretation/Translation/Quotation? Contemporary Architects’ Interventions into Multicultural Australia
Chatterjee, Anuradha
Assembled: John Ruskin’s Architectural Ideal
Clarke, Amy
Australia’s Big Dilemma: Regional/National Identities, Heritage Listing and Big Things
Cole, Georgina
Ideal Urban Space in Gainsborough’s Charity Relieving Distress, 1784
Colman, Scott
Quotation in Wittkower’s Neo-Palladianism
Curry, J.
Fung, S.
Fung, S.
Rudolph Schindler’s Church School Lecture on Decoration (1916): A Preliminary Reading
Curry, James
Fung, Stanislaus
Fung, Stanislaus
Rudolph Schindler’s Church School Lecture on Decoration (1916): A Preliminary Reading
Daly, A.
From Outside In to Inside Out
Daly, Anna
From Outside Into Inside Out: The domestic interior as a foundational site in twentieth-century architecture, psychoanalysis and art.
Daunt, Lisa Marie
Quoting Ian Ferrier (1928-2000): Contributing to Queensland’s Post-war Modern Church Architecture
de la Vega de León, Macarena
Revisiting Quotations: Regionalism in Historiography
Dean, Penelope
Out of Context
Farrah, Sally
Representation as Quotation: The Verbal And Visual Languages Of Kenneth Frampton In Architectural Design, 1962-1964
Freeman, Cristina Garduño
Leibowitz, Vicki
Leibowitz, Vicki
Architectural Footnotes: The Chicago Tribune Tower
Goad, Philip
Campus, Context and Community: Residential Colleges and Halls of Residence at Australia’s Post-war Universities, 1945-1975
Gosseye, Janina
Elementary, My Dear Watson? Don Watson’s TAFE, 1992-‘97
Gower, Rowan
Image Building: A Study of Australia’s Domestic and Foreign Policy in Relation to Embassy Architecture
Gusheh, Maryam
Sane, Prajakta
Sane, Prajakta
“Form and Design” for India Achyut Kanvinde’s Reflection on Louis Kahn
Hampson, Alice
Gardiner, Fiona
Gardiner, Fiona
From the Acropolis to Kingaroy: Creating Civic Culture in Queensland
Harper, G.
Jorn Utzon’s Graphic Quotation
Harper, Glenn
Jorn Utzon’s Graphic Quotation: Le Corbusier and the Sydney Opera House, 1957-1966
Hartoonian, G.
Ting, J.
Ting, J.
2017 Front Matter
Hartoonian, Gevork
Kenneth Frampton: The Violence of Quotation
Hill, Michael
How a Statue Can Shape a City: Sydney’s First Monument, Governor Sir Richard Bourke.
Holden, Susan
“To Be With Architecture Is All We Ask” A Critical Genealogy of The Serpentine Pavilions
Jasper, Michael
An Architectural-Urban Strategy: Re-reading Rowe and Koetter’s Collage City
Jong, Ursula de
Marcello, Flavia
Marcello, Flavia
‘Fitted for Sacred Use’ Vatican II and Modernism in the physical, social and ritual space of three Australian churches
Keslacy, Elizabeth M.
Avant-Quotation: Imitation, Conventionalisation and Postmodern Practices of Reference
Kiely, Joss
Poetic Structure and Popular Taste: Yamasaki, Emerson, and the Delicate Balance of Form and Tectonics
Kohane, Peter
Columns of Light: Louis Kahn’s Design For Sanctuary Of The Mikveh Israel Synagogue (Philadelphia, 1961-72)
Lassen, Catherine
In Search of Invention: Buhrich’s Modern Architectural ‘Quotations’
Lin, Francis Chia-Hui
Bracketing: The Immediate Historicity of Asia
Macarthur, John
The Semblance of Use: History, Function and Aesthetics in the Serpentine Pavilions
Malfona, Lina
Sleeping Beauty: Aesthetics of Ruin, Corruption and Rome
Margalit, Harry
Duelling Quotes: James Marston Fitch’s ‘Murder at the Modern’
Matthews, Linda
Perin, Gavin
Perin, Gavin
The Hidden Territories of the Digital Line
McCarthy, Christine
The Sincerest Form of Flattery: Imitation and Early Prison Design in New Zealand
McDonald, Christopher
Mothercraft and Model Cities: Ethno-Symbolism and Emblems of Nationalism during the 1927 Royal Visit to Wellington
Metcalf, Andrew
Alvar Aalto: The Organicity of Quotation
Meyers, Bree
Gatley, Julia
Gatley, Julia
Who has Written What on the University of Auckland’s Clock-tower Building (1920-26)?
Milic, Renata Jadresin
McConchie, Graeme
McConchie, Graeme
Quoting Palladio
Miller-Yeaman, Renee
Encoding and Transferring Transience in Housing: Linking the Architectural Heritages of Migrant Hostels and Public Housing in Victoria in the 1960s
Miłosz, Magdalena
Comparative (Post)Colonialisms: Residential School Architectures in Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand
Morgan, Luke
After Pratolino: Costantino de’ Servi and the Italian Renaissance Garden in England
Mozaffari, Ali
Westbrook, Nigel
Westbrook, Nigel
Death Mask: Fetishising Tradition Through Citations
Muminovic, Milica
Difference and Repetition: Reactivating Tokyo architectural elements in Nezu
Murray, Andrew
The Mediterranean on the West Coast: R.J. Ferguson and Rottnest Island
Musgrave, Elizabeth
“The Pleasures Functions of Architecture”: Postmodern Architecture and the “Culture of flimsiness” in Queensland
Neustupny, Marika
Tradition in Mid-Century Houses of Shinohara and Kikutake
O’Rourke, Timothy
The Goorawin Shelter: Ed Oribin’s Contribution to the Aboriginal Housing Panel.
Paine, Ashley
Rethinking Replicas: Temporality and the Reconstructed Pavilion
Pert, Alan
Goad, Philip
Goad, Philip
‘Ernest Fooks – The House Talks Back’: Between the Savage and the Scientific Mind
Pieris, Anoma
Internment “Homes” as Material Texts: The Architecture of Canada’s New Denver Internment Camp
Preston, Jennifer
To The Editor of the Australian: Francis Greenway’s Letter of Quotations
Raisbeck, Peter
Neish, Peter
Neish, Peter
Digital Fragments and Historiographies: Data Mining the William J Mitchell Archive
Raisbeck, Peter
Phillips, Christine
Phillips, Christine
Robin Boyd and the Quotation: Translating Public Words to Public Building
Richardson, Elizabeth
Negotiating modernism: How Church Designs of the Post-War Era Negotiated Modernism in an Attempt To Renew Their Image and Relevance Within an Increasingly Secular Society
Sarvimäki, Marja
Japanese Module Interpreted: De-quotations of Re-quotations on Katsura Villa
Schnoor, Christoph
The Compromised Slab: Koolhaas and Kollhoff Interpreting Colin Rowe
Schrapel, Stephen
Scriver, Peter
Scriver, Peter
A Designed Incompleteness: Quotation and Transfer In The Later Australian Work Of Romaldo Giurgola
Seligmann, Ari
McMahon, Sean
McMahon, Sean
Positioning Pluralism in “New Waves” of Post-Modern Japanese Architecture
Smith, Benjamin
From Drawings to Drawls: Coy Howard’s Artifacts of Architectural Production
Smithey, Lori
Philip Johnson’s Crystal Cathedral: Citing the Loss of Citation
Soo, Lydia M.
Baroque Form Generation Practices: A Historical Study
Stead, Naomi
Simon, Katrina
Simon, Katrina
The Architect Says: Myth, Misquotation, and ‘the Mating of a Building’
Steen, Andrew P.
The Spirit of Adhocism and Brilliant Selective Editing
Tennakoon, Pamudu
The Narrative of the Bungalow: Literary Depictions of the Colonial Bungalows of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Tippey, Brett
Allusions and Illusions in Spanish Architecture, 1898-1953
Utomo, Nugroho F
Boyd and the Brut: Quoting Robin Boyd’s Words on Brutalism
Varghese, Annalise
Following the Folly: Quoting, Constructing and Historicising Paper Architecture
Volz, Kirsty
Quotations in the Architect’s Sketchbook: Analysing Nell McCredie’s Sketchbooks
Walker, Paul
Moulis, Antony
Moulis, Antony
Before Scarborough: John Andrews in the Office of Parkin Associates 1959-1961
Willink, Rosemary
The Met Breuer: From Sculpture to Art Museum and Back Again
Wood, Peter
New Canaan in New Zealand: Alington House as Honest Architecture?