SAHANZ Panel at EAHN Annual Meeting
Historiography, Get It Right
Dr. Macarena de la Vega (University of Melbourne and Prof. Gevork Hartoonian (University of Canberra) invite you to join “Historiography ,Get It Right,” the SAHANZ-sponsored panel they are hosting, as part of the 7th International Meeting of the European Architectural History Network in Madrid. The panel will run from 11:30pm until 2:00am (AEST) on Thursday, June 16th.
Papers to be presented include:
- No (More) History: Reassessing Priorities in Today’s Architectural Historiography – Carmen Popescu
- Towards Non-Eurocentric Historiographies: Challenging Europe’s Position in the Formation of Architectural Histories – Marianna Charitonidou
- Latin American Architecture as the Architecture of Resistance – Patricio del Real
- Comparative Histories of Architecture: History, Architecture, or Idealism? – Pedro P. Palazzo
- History Curated. Architecture Museums – Custodians of the Past, Critics of the Present? – Christina Pech
- Variety, Contingency, Modernity in Architectural History – Pollyanna Rhee
- Polished Fascism: Histories of the Architectural Right for Historiography to Go Left – María González Pendas
- Women, Gender, and Architectural History – Mary McLeod
More information about the EAHN Annual Meeting, including on registration, can be found here.