Old SAHANZ website

Changes to SAHANZ website

The committee has approved some significant changes to the SAHANZ website. For some years the site has been ably managed and maintained by Robin Skinner. However, the HTML platform upon which it is built has caused some issues (relatively high hosting costs, difficulty for anyone other than Robin to make changes, lack of ‘responsiveness’ across different kinds of mobile devices, lack of ability to automatically plug in social media feeds, etc). Therefore the committee has taken the decision to move to a WordPress-based site, which will be relatively user-friendly and able to be updated and managed by various committee members, will reduce the hosting fees, and will increase the possibility of adding new or different functionality in future (for example, hosting past SAHANZ proceedings, member self-management, hosting of conference sites within the SAHANZ site etc – as the Society may decide).

The move from the current to the new website is proceeding with Robin’s blessing, however he does not wish to continue in a web-manager role. The technical aspects of the move will therefore be provided by Melbourne-based professional web consultant Peter Johns, who has experience in hosting and managing other architecture-related not-for-profit websites including the Association of Australasian Schools of Architecture and Parlour. We plan that the new SAHANZ site will be live by the July AGM. The committee would like to express our sincere thanks to Robin Skinner for his years of dedicated service maintaining the website.