Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand
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Achmadi, Amanda
Across the Arafura Sea: Scientific Expeditions, Indigenous Trading Exchanges, and Vernacular Built Traditions in 19th-Century Southeast Asia and Australasia
Adams, Loren
Resorting to Cockatoo Island Resort: Lapping Shorelines and Overlapping Land Use in “The Least Known Island Paradise in the World”
Arango Gonzalez, Alfonso
A Droplet and a Crack: Teshima and Naoshima Islands’ Art Museums – An Architectural Experience Through a Sansui Approach
Atkins, Craig
Between Myth and Reality: Charting the Evolution of Islands for the Dead in Europe and Australia from 1778 to 1938
Clarke, Amy
Branding Territory with Traffic Islands: Big Things as Road Features in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East
Daunt, Lisa Marie
A 1950s Island Miracle: St Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, Hammond Island (Kiriri)
Davis, Michael
An Island Practice: The Legers in Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu
de la Vega de Leon, Macarena
Women Writing Architectural (Hi)Stories in Australia and New Zealand
Gabrielsson, Catharina
Drake, Campbell
Ferng, Jennifer
Grydehøj, Adam
Jobst, Marko
Drake, Campbell
Ferng, Jennifer
Grydehøj, Adam
Jobst, Marko
Instituting Worlds Roundtable: Architecture and Islands
Gardiner, Fiona
Framed: Queensland’s built heritage through the lens of Richard Stringer, 1967–2021
Goad, Philip
Islands Apart: Balwant Saini and the Tropical Architectures of Australia and its ‘Colony,’ Papua New Guinea
Gosseye, Janina
Uniting Islands of Practice?: The Commonwealth Association of Architects (1963–1983)
Guaralda, Mirko
Navigating the Archipelago of Medium Density: The Missing Middle in Australian Suburbs
Haberfield, Jarrod
Walker, Paul
Walker, Paul
Looking Away: Christchurch’s Ravenscar House
Hanif, Ehssan
An Island Within an Island: The Establishment of the Oil Company Town in the ‘Desert’ Island of Abadan (1910–1935)
Hogben, Paul
The Roxy Theatre, Wavertree and Broughton House: Contemporary Architectural Heritage Battles in Parramatta
Howell, Catherine
Notes from a Cold War Island: Tadeusz Andrzejaczek and Quadrant Magazine
Jasper, Michael
No Distance at All: The Figure of Islands in Two Articles by Hubert Damisch
Kiely, Joss
Islands in the Sand: Late Modern Architecture’s Xeric Sum Game in the Arabian Desert
Kulkarni, Nirmal
‘Island-ness’ of Hindu Temples: Building Cultures of Exclusion and Exclusivity in 19th-Century Goa, India
Kwabi, Prince Charles
The Gold Coast School Building Programme: Fry and Drew’s Educational Facilities in Cape Coast
Lassen, Catherine
Kroese, Jessica
Kroese, Jessica
Romaldo Giurgola’s ‘Ideal’ Island Home
Leibowitz, Vicki
Garduño Freeman, Cristina
Garduño Freeman, Cristina
Islands of the Past Remnants: Relics and Remembrance in the Popular Imagination
Lewi, Hannah
Islands of Affect
Loneragan, John
Port Kennedy, Thursday Island (Waiben): The Early Years from Isolated Island to a Hub in the Expanding Web of Colonialism
Lovell, Jonathan
Panopticon versus Port Arthur: Empire and Communication Through Networked Landscapes
Ludewig, Jasper
The Huge Watery Waste: The Architectures of Australian Imperialism
Lyu, Zhichen
Wang, Ruoran
Xu, Subin
Wang, Ruoran
Xu, Subin
Leased Territory of Unfinished Imperialism: The Space Production and Transculturation Under the Perspective of Global Modernisation of the Liu-Kung-Tao Island, China (1898–1940)
Macarthur, John
Holden, Susan
Holden, Susan
Beauty in Urban Design Governance
Macarthur, John
Gosseye, Janina
Greenop, Kelly
Holden, Susan
de la Vega de León, Macarena
Gosseye, Janina
Greenop, Kelly
Holden, Susan
de la Vega de León, Macarena
ATCH (Architecture, Theory, Culture, History) Roundtable: The Uses and Abuses of History, Then and Now
Mansure, Adil
Technics of a knot in Oceania: Cords and Networks as an Architectural and Environmental History
Marcello, Flavia
Negotiating Mechanisms of Control and Isolation: How Italian PoWs Shaped the Environments of Allied Prison Camps During the Second World War
Murray, Andrew
Two Buildings, Two Islands, One Trip: The Shared Architectural Journey of Michael Neylan and Ronald Jack Ferguson
Musgrave, Elizabeth
Papua New Guinea Housing Commission 1968–1983: Optimism Within Islands of Practice in the Provision of Housing
Ngambutsabongsophin, Chaipat
The People’s Island in the Middle of the Royal’s Island: The History and Perception of the Democracy Monument in Rattanakosin Island, Bangkok, Thailand
Nichols, David
Island City: A ‘New Playground for Melbourne’ or ‘E-coli Village’?
Nunes, Inês Leonor
Minnette De Silva and the Kandyan ‘Island’: The Genesis of Sri Lankan Tropical Modernism
Oram, Thomas
Participatory Public Lighting Design: A Preliminary Framework for Social Equality in Evening Public Spaces
Paine, Ashley
Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright: The Authorship and Attribution of the Massaro House at Petra Island
Pekdemir, Sevgim
Guaralda, Mirko
Limb, Mark
Guaralda, Mirko
Limb, Mark
Urban Design in Brisbane Through Time: The Impact of Australia’s Island Geography
Pieris, Anoma
Urban Oases and Oceanic Imaginaries: Two CWGC Cemeteries in South Asia
Seaton, Stewart
Lozanovska, Mirjana
Lozanovska, Mirjana
Archipelago of Steel and the Island at the Woolstore in Geelong
Sheard, Megan J
Peninsula, Isthmus, Island: Biopolitical Geographies in Colonial Van Diemen’s Land
Sobti, Manu
Pieris, Anoma
Ting, John
Memmott, Paul
Achmadi, Amanda
Walker, Paul
Scriver, Paul
Pieris, Anoma
Ting, John
Memmott, Paul
Achmadi, Amanda
Walker, Paul
Scriver, Paul
SAUHA (Society of Architectural and Urban Historians Asia) Roundtable: Oceanic Networks and Connections
Strong, Joshua
Stalin’s Urban Archipelago: The Cities Shaped by Socialist Realism
Telford, Elsie
de Jong, Ursula
de Jong, Ursula
Learnings from Mapping Architectural History Perspectives from SAHANZ Through the Decades 1984–2024
Ting, John
Indigenisation and Collaboration: Mapping the Spatial and Architectural Contribution of Indigenous Actors to an English Rajah’s Rule in Mid-19th-Century Borneo
Volz, Kirsty
Farahnak Majd, Narges
Farahnak Majd, Narges
Reaching for Higher Places: Wavell Heights State High School Stairs and Australian Postwar School Buildings
Wilson, Andrew
Islands of Density: Volatile Experiments in Highrise Apartment Procurement Across South East Queensland in the 1960s
Woo, Catherine Mei Min
Pieris, Anoma
Pieris, Anoma
Archipelagic Memories: At the Lau King Howe Hospital Memorial Museum
Wood, Peter
Oceanic Follies: The Island Architecture of Raoul and Venice
Xie, Yinrui
Religious Refuges or Cultural Nodes?: Isolation and Inclusion at the ‘Untraditional’ Chinese Temples in the United Kingdom
Xu, Tianchen
A Non-Standard Form of Living: Medium-Density Housing Projects, the NCDC, and Canberra