
Search for text in a known document
To search for specific text in a known document open the document from this browser using the appropriate navigation.  Once the document has loaded into this window (if Acrobat Reader runs as a plug-in) click on the 'find' icon on the Acrobat Reader toolbar.  If you require a more refined search follow the instructions below.

Search for text in an unknown document
If you are looking for specific text in an unknown document you will need to open the file "Search.pdf" from the CD in Acrobat Reader as a stand-alone application (not within the web browser).  Once "Search.pdf" is open you can use the 'search' icon on the toolbar.  The associated index file ("index.pdx") for the entire pdf collection will be automatically loaded.  If it is not loaded you can manually add it from the folder "indexes".  For more detailed instructions on how to search for text, consult the Acrobat Reader help file, Help > Acrobat Help.
