Landscapes of Production

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Theme Description

This session invited authors to rethink the architecture/landscape relationship through the idea that cultural landscapes may be regarded rather as landscapes of production and consumption. How do we describe landscapes of commodification and what have been the forces that have shaped them? Are post-industrial landscapes opportunities or merely redundant places? How do the tourist industry and the practices of tourists relate the actual landscape and the landscape of images? These questions are explored here through a number of approaches including case studies. However, in doing so, authors of these essays on ‘architecture + landscapes of production’ also confront a further question. Cultural landscapes are where the site/place typologies of architecture and landscape must collaborate or collide. Thus it is here that the complexities of the theory and practice of landscape must be explicated.

Architecture + Landscapes of Production, Gini Lee, (Landscapes of Production Introductory Essay)

By Author

Helen Armstrong
Sustaining Cultural Landscapes as Sites of Production

Richard Blythe
Wilderness in the Garden: the development of an English garden typology and its influence on the establishment of the Cataract Gorge Park in the Antipodes.

Ursula M de Jong
Exploring a holistic understanding of place: Point Nepean, Victoria

Glen Hill
Out of Place in the Landscape: questioning the architectural rhetoric of place

Angela Hirst
Eating Ethnicity: Multicultural food practice and the production of urban space

Steve Loo
Koolhaas’s ‘Generic’ and Melancholic Indeterminacy

Greg Missingham & Alex Selenitsch
Transplants, Transferences and Translations: Exchanges of strategies and design ideas, gardens and cross-cultural considerations

Quentin Stevens
Play and the Production of Meaning in an Urban Landscape

Jillian Walliss
Imagining the National Landscape: An exploration of Te Papa Tongarewa and the National Museum of Australia
